Create Ads
To create your ad, please choose a size.
- Full Page Ad $300 (Can't go wrong here! Everybody wants the full page ads!)
- 1/2 Page Ad $150 (Half page ads really make kids feel special.)
- 1/3rd Page Ad $100 (If I was going to buy an Ad it would be this one.)
- 1/4th Page Ad $80 (Anything can go in here really...)
- 1/8th Page Ad $55 (The kids really love finding and reading these ads over and over again.)
- Business Card Size Ad $45 (Insert a Business Card. Congratulate a student. Just so easy!)
- 1/16th Page Ad $25 (These are so easy to buy multiples of.)
- To-From Ad $5 (Give a shout out to your favorite student!)