Frequently Asked Questions
No. For your convenience, Ad Maker automatically adjusts to fit onto your computer, smart device, or phone.
- $300 – Full Page Ad
- $150 – Half Page Ad
- $100 – Third Page Ad
- $80 – Quarter Page Ad
- $55 – Eighth Page Ad
- $45 – Tenth Page Ad – Business Card Size!
- $25 – Sixteenth Page Ad – Text & Clipart Size
- $5 – To-From Shout Out Ad
Yes! Once you’re done creating an ad, you will have the option to ‘Continue Shopping’ and create as many ads as you would like to create.
No. You can create ads anytime and anywhere before the ad submission deadline. That means if you would like to create one now, one tomorrow, and three next week, you have the option to do so.
Yes! You may put anything on your ad so your dancer feels loved and supported. The only picture you may not put on your ads is the current year’s individual dance picture taken by the studio photographer as studio pictures will not even be taken until well after the ad submission deadline. Additionally, Elite Dance uses the current year’s individual dance pictures for the first half of the book to highlight each student.
No. Presently, the only color pages present in the recital book are the front and back covers. All other pages are black and white. Ads submitted in color will be printed in black and white.
Family members can submit ads, too! Just send them the website link to Ad Maker, and they will be able to create ads for your dancer (and pay for it) themselves. No more wasting time waiting on relatives!
Yes. The system will prompt you to input your dancer’s first and last name for each ad you create. If you have multiple students, you may add multiple first names and last names separated by a comma, respectively.
Yes. Ad Maker sorts, tracks, and stores your ads safely in your account so that they may be effortlessly sent to print in your event book.
Regarding family, friends, and businesses that submit ads linked to your student:
At the present time Ad Maker can only track total ads sold for a specific student on a per client portal basis. This means that even though ads may be linked to a specific student across many different client portals, due to several factors, ad maker cannot track the total of ads sold within every client portal and display it in a place that you can see it… yet. The next iteration of the software (coming very soon) will be able to track the same student’s ad sale totals across every different client portal that links the student with an ad.
While we wait for our developers to upgrade the system, in the interim, should you like an accounting of TOTAL ad sales for your student across all client portals, please email the office. We will send you a personal drop box link of all ads linked to your student that only you will be able to access unless you share the link. For your convenience, it will remain active through the ad submission deadline. It updates in real time, so you will be able to see all ads linked to your student as they are submitted!
No. You may purchase as many ads in as many options as you desire.
You may check out using Credit or Debit Cards, Venmo, PayPal, Check, or Cash. Please note: Transactions submitted utilizing the cash or check option will be placed on hold on the respective student’s account until payment is actually received. Should payment not be received, submitted ads will not be printed.
Yes. Click HERE for an example section of each size ad.
No. No one is required to sell ads. Participation in the ad contest is completely voluntary.
Generally, no. However, should you miss the ad deadline and still wish to submit ads, please contact the office for additional ad submission options. Please note: Ads submitted after the ad submission deadline will not be counted toward Top Ad Winner prizes.
Yes. Inappropriate, obscene, vulgar, or derogatory ad submissions will be rejected by the hosting business during the final stages of ad approval. Additionally, conflicts of interest to the hosting business may also be rejected during the final stages of ad approval. If you have a specific question as to whether an ad may be rejected, please contact the office.
We suggest you upload media in 300 DPI (Dots Per Inch).
Yes. You will get an email confirmation of every ad that you submit, including a copy of the ad itself. Additionally, you can access your submitted ads in your account under Submitted Ads / Orders.
Once an ad is submitted, NO CHANGES will be accepted. Please make sure to double and triple-check your ad BEFORE SUBMISSION.
As long as the ad falls within the rules and guidelines on this website of what can be in which ad, then No. They may be adjusted slightly at the discretion of the business to match the event book aesthetically, but they will not inherently be changed.
No. Once an ad is submitted, there is no refund. Please make sure to proofread your ads multiple times before submission. The hosting business is not responsible for any errors, imperfections, or omissions during the creation or submission of ads.
Should a client’s payment return NSF or be charged back to the hosting business, a $25 NSF fee and the cost of the submitted ads will be posted and drafted from the linked students’ account. Additionally, the linked student will be responsible for all incurred processing costs.
No. Before ad creation, Admaker will prompt the user to designate a student for whom the ad is being created. Only the first student’s name listed (and by extension the first student’s IMMEDIATE family) will receive credit for a submitted ad toward ad rewards and prizes.
Further, if two student’s who are not on the same account and are from different immediate families have a common relative who submits an ad, the student to whom the relative designated the ad at the system prompt is who will receive credit for the ad, regardless of student names listed in the body of the ad.
- Full Page = 7.5″ Wide X 9.5″ Tall
- Half Page = 7.5″ Wide X 4.75″ Tall
- 1/3 Page = 7.5″ Wide X 3.166″ Tall
- 1/4 Page = 3.75″ Wide X 4.75″ Tall
- 1/8 Page = 3.75″ Wide X 2.375″ Tall
- 1/10 Page = 3.75″ Wide X 1.90″ Tall
- 1/16 Page = 3.75″ Wide X 1.1875″ Tall
- 1/40 Page = 1.875″ Wide X .95″ Tall
We suggest you upload media in 300 DPI (Dots Per Inch).
Your ad will be displayed in our annual recital program book. To date, our recital program book is marketed to a targeted audience of over 5000 people. Many of our current clientele support businesses that advertise in the recital book.
Yes! You are free to design your ad any way that you would like within the guidelines provided on this website.
Yes! You are free to design your ad any way that you would like within the guidelines provided on this website.
Presently, the only color pages in the recital book are the front and back covers. All other pages are black and white.
Upon submission of your ads, the business tax ID and a copy of your submitted ads will be included in the confirmation email that is automatically generated and emailed to you. Should you not receive your confirmation email, please contact the office for the business tax ID.
You may pay using Credit or Debit Cards, Venmo, PayPal, Check, or Cash. Please note: Transactions submitted utilizing the cash or check option will be placed on hold until payment is actually received. Should not be received, submitted ads will not be printed.
Once an ad is submitted, no changes will be accepted. Please make sure to double and triple-check your ad before submission.
No problem! We’re happy to help. Click the contact link in the main menu for all contact options.
Yes. Every year, Elite Dance hosts an ad contest. The Ad Contest runs from January to March. Each student has the option to sell ads to family, friends, and businesses. Sold ads are placed in the Recital Program Book, which becomes available to the public at the recital. Students selling qualifying dollar amounts will be rewarded. The student selling THE MOST ads will have a spot on the front cover of the recital book as the Cover Girl, a huge trophy, a featured part in the recital, and a media presentation highlighting only her, among other prizes.
In order to compete for a spot in the Top Ad Winners:
Step 1: Sell the qualifying minimum required ads as set forth in the Ad Sales Rewards and Prizes Chart.
Step 2: Arrive at the studio on the deadline date and time. This year the ad submission deadline is: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26TH, 2025 @ 7 PM
Step 3: Do not discuss your ad totals with anyone.
Step 4: At the specified time, Elite Dance will pull the reports from Ad Maker and announce the Top Ad Winners, including Cover Girl!
No. Participation in the Ad Contest is not required to submit ads supporting your student. Participation in the ad contest is completely voluntary.
Below is a break down of all ad contest options, rewards, and prizes. For your convenience, a visual Ad Sales Rewards and Prizes Chart is available here.
Options 1 – 3 are part of the Top Ad Winner & Cover Girl contest. Only the top 3 ad sellers selling at least the qualifying minimums* listed will receive prizes listed under options 1 – 3. There will be NO TIES FOR 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place ad awards. Based on a number of factors, Top 5 may be awarded. Please note: ALL options below with picture prizes listed include the Individual Digital Download Link for the student’s individual recital book dance picture. (Class pictures are a complimentary service of Elite Dance for dancers participating in the recital book.)
** In Options 1-3, the term “Qualifying Minimum” refers to the threshold that must be achieved to compete for the prizes listed. The student with the highest dollar value of ads AFTER achieving the qualifying minimum will be awarded the prize listed in option 1-3.
____OPTION 1: $2000 or more
- ‘COVER GIRL’ – 1st Place 4 Foot Ad Winner Trophy
- Picture on Front Cover of Recital book
- Picture on 1st page of Recital book introducing her
- Group picture of Top Ad Winners On Inside Cover of recital book,
- Two 8X10 black and white Pages with 5 pictures in recital book,
- Photo Session with Professional photographer,
- Introduction & ‘Featured role’ in recital with custom Media Presentation**,
** Placement of introduction, feature, and media presentation during recital is based upon multiple logistics. Media presentation may be before, during, or after opening number.
____OPTION 2: $1500 or more
- ‘2nd PLACE’ – 2 ½ Foot Tall Ad Winner Trophy
- 1 picture on multimedia side screens including a special message from mom and dad which loops for 45 minutes at beginning of all recitals
- Group picture of Top Ad Winners on Inside Cover of Recital Book
- Two 8X10 black & White page with 5 pictures in revue book
____OPTION 3: $1300 or more
- ‘3rd PLACE’ – 2 Foot Tall Ad Winner Trophy
- Group picture of Top Ad Winners on Inside Cover of Recital Book
- Two 8X10 black & white pages with 5 pictures in recital book
- 1 picture on multimedia side screens
** A 4th and a 5th place Ad Winner designation will be awarded based on the highest dollar value of ads sold only after achieving a $1300 threshold and after the 3rd place winner has been announced.
Options 4 – 7 are NOT part of the Top Ad Winner & Cover Girl contest. Anyone selling the qualifying minimums below will receive rewards listed. Please note: ALL options below with picture prizes listed include the Individual Digital Download Link for the student’s individual recital book dance picture. (Class pictures are a complimentary service of Elite Dance for dancers participating in the recital book.)
____OPTION 4: Sell $800 or more of ads
[This is a GREAT OPTION for students with two costumes in a combo class.]
You will Receive:
- ‘Ad Runner Up Platinum’ Tier
- Two Free 8X10 pictures in recital book with a ‘special message’ under each picture to student
- Class picture(s)
- Ad Runner Up trophy
____OPTION 5: Sell $500 or more of ads
You will Receive:
- ‘Ad Runner Up Gold’ Tier
- One Free 8X10 picture in recital book with a ‘special message’ under picture to student
- Class picture(s)
- Ad Runner Up trophy
____OPTION 6: Sell $350 or more of ads
You will Receive:
- ‘Ad Honorable Mention’ Tier
- One Free ½ page picture in recital book
- Ad honorable mention trophy
- Class picture(s)
____OPTION 7: Sell $250 or more of ads
You will Receive:
- ‘Ad Winner’ Tier
- Free ¼ page picture in recital book
- Class picture(s)
If you do not wish to sell ads and want only to purchase a picture for your student in the recital book, there are three options available to you. Additionally, you may purchase multiple pictures in the recital book to highlight your dancer. Please note: An 8X10 picture may have a special message underneath. Only immediate family may take pictures together. There is a$40 PER CHILD additional fee for students who want to take pictures with friends and family other than immediate family members.
Picture Purchase option are as follows:
____OPTION 8: $375 – Full Page Picture
You will Receive:
- 8X10 page pic with class picture(s) included in recital book **
- 1 Digital Download Link with 1 Individual Picture & Class Pictures for your convenience
- Photographer’s Fee Included
** Please include special message
____OPTION 9: $250 – Half Page Picture
You will Receive:
- ½ page picture with class picture(s) included in recital book
- 1 Digital Download Link with 1 Individual Picture & Class Pictures for your convenience.
- Photographer’s Fee Included
____OPTION 10: $150 – Fourth Page Picture
You will Receive:
- 1/4 page picture with class picture(s) included in recital book
- 1 Digital Download Link with 1 Individual Picture & Class Pictures for your convenience.
- Photographer’s Fee Included
During picture week, you will have the option to purchase any additional Picture Packages in the form of a traditional picture or a digital download link.
Please note: If you choose to opt out of all options offered, you will not be allowed to take any class pictures.
Don’t see your question here?
Send us a message, and we will gladly point you in the right direction.
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